NTSC Commodore Amiga 2000 Desktop Computer with
NewTek Video Toaster 2000, (2) TBC-II Time Base Correctors,
DPS V-Scope Vectorscope/Waveform Monitor,
Microway AGA 2000 Flicker Fixer ScanDoubler,
IVS Vector 68030@25MHz Accelerator Fully expanded to 32MB RAM,
Large 17" Dell Flicker Free VGA Monitor
Commodore Amiga Motherboard rev.4.5, OCS/ECS Chipset
v3.1 Kickstart ROM, 1MB 8372A ECS Agnus CHIP RAM, 8362R8 OCS Denise
New working coin cell battery & holder installed.
880kb Internal Floppy Disk Drive (Chinon FB-354)
Heads cleaned, gear and rails lubricated, runs great and quiet
Genuine Commodore Amiga 2000 Clean power supply
Works Great and moves alot of air!
IVS Vector 68030@25mhz CPU/FPU Accelerator Fully Expanded to 32mb RAM
Lastest Eprom v4.14, 1gb Seagate Hawk SCSI Internal Harddrive
Pioneer DVD-305S 40X Internal SCSI CDROM Drive
Microway AGA (Advanced Graphics Adaptor) 2000 Flicker Fixer ScanDoubler with
DEB 2000 Denise Extender additional Video Slot Relocator Boards
NewTek Video Toaster 2000 with 3.0/3.1/3.5 Software
Switcher, Toaster CG, ToasterPaint, LightWave 3D v3.5, etc...
(2) DPS Personal TBC II - Time Base Correctors
More info on DPS TBC-II's Here
DPS V-Scope Vectorscope/Waveform Monitor
More info on DPS V-Scope Here
(7) BNC/RCA Video Cables, (4) BNC to RCA Adaptors
Commodore Amiga 2000 Keyboard with NEW rubber feet installed
Commodore 2-Button Tank Mouse with
NEW NewTek Video Toaster 2000 Mousepad (reproduction)
(2) Power Cords, NEW 6' Stereo Audio cable
17" Dell Flicker Free VGA Monitor with 9pin to 15pin Adaptor
Monitor has some burn in. There is a rectangle around the outer
edge about 1/2" that is lighter than the center of the monitor picture
which is darker. Otherwise is super sharp and looks & works great.
Manuals Included:
Workbench 2.1, AmigaDOS, ARexx & Software Upgrade
copy of IVS Vector 030 Accelerator Manual
copy of DPS Personal TBC II Manuals
copy of DPS V-Scope Vectorscope/Waveform Monitor Manuals
copy of Microway AGA-2000 FlickerFixer/Scandoubler Manual
copy of DEB 2000 Denise Extender Board Manual
Video Toaster v3.0/3.1/3.5 BIG 500+ Page 3-Ring Binder Manual
Software Disks Included:
Original Amiga OS v2.1 Install, Workbench, Extras, Fonts and Locale Disks
copy of IVS Vector 030 Accelerator Install Disk
Original (29) v3.0 Video Toaster Install Disks (some are copies)
copy of (9) v3.1/3.5 Update Install Disks
copy of Latest v3.0 DPS Personal TBC-II Install Disk
copy of Latest v2.0 DPS Personal V-Scope Install Disk
copy of Microway FlickerFixer v1.1 Test Disk
copy of AsimCDFS v3.10 CDROM Software Install Disk
CDs Included:
Original Creative Computers CD-ROM Volume 1
(Fonts, Graphics, Sounds, Commercial Demos and Shareware)
All Software and hardware is all pre-installed and pre-configured,
will need to finish configuration for your setup,
comes with all cables needed for a two input system.
All is Tested in Excellent Clean Working Condition and
Guaranteed Against DOA! as pictured.
Shipping Includes Insurance and Signature Required.
Will package well for safe shipping.
Please be sure to open the computer and make sure all cards are seated properly upon arrival.
Sometimes they can get loose in the shipping process.